

No alcohol is safest during pregnancy.

For decades, international medical consensus has remained unchanged: there is no known safe amount of alcohol that a woman can consume while pregnant, nor is there a “safe time” to consume alcohol during pregnancy.

Every mother and every fetus is different, but the developing brain is always sensitive to alcohol. The message is simple and important: No alcohol is safest during pregnancy.

No mother wants to harm her unborn child, but abstinence from alcohol can be challenging. Many underlying factors may impel a woman to drink during her pregnancy, from misinformation and social pressures to addiction and untreated mental health issues.


The Prevention Conversation

CFAN is a partner in Let’s Talk: The Prevention Conversation, a province-wide project to equip health and social service providers with the knowledge and skills to engage with clients in brief, non-judgmental conversations about alcohol and pregnancy. We have a range of resources, speakers, education and training opportunities available.



Book your Prevention Conversation workshop today.

Want to talk to someone?

We are here to support you, no matter where you are in your journey. All communications are confidential.

wANT TO Learn more

Additional prevention information and resources are available online from The FASD Prevention Conversation